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Electronics Design Lunch and Learn


SPIR concludes its Spring 2024 events with its sixth Lunch and Learn on April 24, 2024. Hosted in Light Engineering, this event gathered 25 Electrical and Computer Engineering undergraduates and graduates to learn from former SPIR students and industry partners on applied use of their current studies.

Watch Intelligent Product Solutions' Full Presentation Here

Speakers for this event included Alexander Sokolov, Embedded Systems Engineer,Intelligent Product Solutions, Thomas Chiesa, Electrical Staff Engineer, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Daniel Slep, PhD,CEO and President, ChemCubed. Speakers Sokolov and Chiesa are graduates of the SPIR program, having found employment with their host organizations.  Presentations at this event featured case studies such as product design, circuit boards, additive manufacturing, and synchrotron light sources.

Watch Brookhaven National Lab's Full Presentation Here

SPIR’s will resume its Lunch and Learn series in the Fall of 2024. We welcome suggestions on topics, speakers, and majors to be featured.

Watch ChemCubed's Full Presentation Here

As with prior lunch and learns, student feedback was complimentary of both the program and its format, including:

“Everything was great.  I hope to attend these kinds of events more often!”

-Dongyun, Computer Engineering